Some of you might remember the very moment in the movie « match point » when we were all wondering on which side of the tennis net the ball will eventually fall. 15 years later or so it still fascinates me. There are many moments in our life where we feel that time is suspended. Sometimes we want to accelerate. Sometimes we would like to freeze the move. There have been many nets and many hesitant balls in the past few months. And there will be more. It is always tempting to let us be hypnotized, just watch the ball and see which camps it choses. To let it go. As if it was a game. A bet. But what we have ahead of us is not a game. It is our life defining moment. We should not let the ball, the net, the wind, the air pressure, anything ...decide for us. To see whether the surveillance societies will prevail over free ones, whether we will go green or brown, whether our system will self regulate or not, whether we chose collectively the sustainable way or head towards climate troubles, whether selfishness will defeat solidarity, whether nationalism will further dismantle multilateralism. None of us is a spectator. We are all actors and players. This is not a show but our lige. Let’s grab the ball and shoot an ace. #marktoplanet
Match point
Bertrand Badré