This crisis is likely to be the defining moment of the younger generations. Will it be remembered as the moment when solidarity was the name of the game and when our societies showed their best and found the way to act as one and protect the weakest? Will it be remembered as the moment when we increased our debt and left it up to our kids to reimburse, restructure or monetize it? The moment when we threw them into unemployment? When we let them dive into political dissatisfaction and social unrest? And left them with little capacity to address climate change? And shut the door to a fairer system?
Could it be us (and again that says my age ) vs. them ?
Isn’t it time to unlock their energy and passion to design a better world. To join forces. They are part of the solution. They might be even the solution. I can’t imagine an « after » where we don’t support the youngest in our world? Where we choose to bury them alive. The oldest generations owe this to them. We owe this to our kids and grandkids. We need their positive energy not their anger. Their impatience not only their patience. We need their generosity not our selfishness.
The real debt is the one we owe them.